Saya kena radang apendiks hari selasa lepas. Mungkin beransur-ansur sudah lama. Saya selalu sakit pereut dan muntah. Tahu kena apendikitis semalam. Terkejut jugalah sebab takkan dah kena penyakit apendiks umur baru tak sampai sepuluh tahun. Lagi pun kena pembedahan semalam sebab doktor takut nanti terlewat dah pecah.
Saya dibedah pada hari Jumaat 15 Mei 2009 di Ipoh Specialist hospital oleh Pakar Bedah Dr Koh Guan Chye. Masuk bilik bedah jam 4.15 dan keluar jam 5.10 petang.
Saya pulih dan dapat balik hari ini.

In human anatomy, the appendix (or vermiform appendix; also cecal (or caecal) appendix; also vermix) is a blind ended tube connected to the cecum (or caecum), from which it develops embryologically. The cecum is a pouch-like structure of the colon. The appendix is near the junction of the small intestine and the large intestine.
The term "vermiform" comes from Latin and means "worm-shaped".
ala.siannye adik nana.
perut bley kempis laa adik lepas nie.hehehe
jgn makan pedas2 ok!!
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